Ruby is about the same. Her bottom seems to still be bothering her despite diarrhea improvement (mostly soft formed stools) but there is a “hot spot” on her backside where they got too close with the clippers and she has a teeny lil cut on her bum. So she tries to “run away” from her bottom which is sort of funny in a pitiful way. Her incision although dry, looks horrible. It’s black and crusty and dry. We go tomorrow am and I am not sure if they will Debride it right then and there or we will have to come back. She is till fairly “puny” acting and we can’t wait til this is all over and she can just be a normal, abnormal Tripawd.
I took her to the dog park yesterday on the leash to just sort of get out of the house and sniff around some other dogs. I found it so interesting how people at the park looked at her, most with pity. But some even called their dogs back and I heard comments like “oh stay away she has something going on” and “oh she doesn’t want to play with you”. Some of these folks even sort of looked away. It really opened my eyes to how people with disabilities must be treated all the time. It was a real eye-opener. For Ruby, it was just what she needed a as she seemed to enjoy just being out.
More tomorrow after our big appointment.